The You and I Podcast

Morgan Brown - Being Gentle to Yourself, Revamping your Skin Care Routine, and Solo Trips Around the World

Episode Summary

Here is our conversation with Morgan Brown, where we talk about her time at UPenn, her Youtube journey, skincare, her travels, and more.

Episode Notes

Morgan Brown is a UPenn marketing graduate Chicago Native, now based in New York City, a skincare connoisseur, and YouTuber with over  500,000 subscribers, who shifting perspectives one story at a time. You can catch her talking about skincare and sharing her travels on both her Instagram and Youtube. 

Listen to the episode if you need some serenity in your life, need to revamp your skincare, want to turn pain into meaning, or uncomfortable in your current situation, you won’t regret it. Enjoy the episode and we hope you have an amazing and productive week


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