The You and I Podcast

Kayla Bell - The Ins and Outs of Starting a Business, Body Inclusivity and Vibrating Higher

Episode Summary

Here is our conversation with Kayla, a stylist, and swimsuit designer. She is also the founder of Arrow and phoenix swimwear. Arrow + Phoenix Swimwear is a sustainable swimwear brand created by a self-proclaimed beach bum who wanted to invite other conscious fashion lovers into her world of sustainable living. In this episode, we talk about the importance of community, body positivity in a business and so much more.

Episode Notes

Our second episode of the Girl boss File is here! And this might be the best file yet. 

Listen to the episode if you're interested or need some advice when it comes to starting a business, the importance of social media, how to manage your time, inclusivity, the key to creating a successful business, need support and love, or need some inspiration and motivation in your life, you won’t regret it. Enjoy the episode and we hope you have an amazing and productive week!

Check out Arrow + Phoenix 


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